Mauro bento MBX

It's been more than two decades writing a brilliant story

The history of MBX began in 2001, in the state of Santa Catarina, in the city of Rio do Sul, in a room measuring approximately 20m2, with a desk, ...
Aumente a vida útil da sua caldeira usando uma válvula de extração de lodos

Extend the life of your boiler by using a sludge extraction valve

Extend the life of your boiler by using a sludge extraction valve Did you know that the useful life of the boiler also d...
Eficiência energética em caldeiras: Entenda a importância

Energy efficiency in boilers: Understand the importance

Energy efficiency in boilers: Understand the importance All professionals working in the industry know that one of the mos...
Veja como evitar problemas e desgastes em caldeiras

See how to avoid problems and wear in boilers

See how to avoid problems and wear in boilers Boilers are equipment used to generate steam used in various industrial proc...
Automação de caldeira: Veja como fazer a descarga de fundo da caldeira

Boiler Automation: See how to perform boiler bottom flushing

Boiler Automation: See how to perform boiler bottom flushing By automating the boiler, the industry can perform bottom dis...
Válvula agulha: Saiba o que é e veja como ela funciona

Needle valve: Find out what it is and see how it works

Needle valve: Find out what it is and see how it works Have you ever heard of a needle valve? In short, this type of val...
Combustíveis para caldeiras: Conheça os tipos mais utilizados

Boiler fuels: Discover the most commonly used types

Boiler fuels: Discover the most commonly used types In the national industry, boilers are equipment widely used in various...
Saiba mais sobre as soluções para limpeza de tubos de caldeiras

Learn more about boiler tube cleaning solutions

Learn more about boiler tube cleaning solutions One of the main concerns for companies that use boilers is the constant se...
Caldeiras industriais: Conheça seus principais tipos

Industrial boilers: Know their main types

Industrial boilers: Know their main types Every large industry uses a variety of equipment with different construction a...
Eficiência energética dentro das indústrias: Saiba como funciona

Energy efficiency within industries: Learn how it works

What is energy efficiency? In short, adopting energy efficiency means adopting strategies that aim to reduce energy consumption to produce the ...
Veja como a temperatura de gases influenciam a regulagem da sua caldeira

See how gas temperature influences your boiler's regulation

Exhaust gas temperature: direct relationship with boiler efficiency In a boiler, energy efficiency is affected by several factors, whether oper...
Principais vantagens do injetor de água para caldeiras da MBX

Main advantages of MBX boiler water injector

Caldeira MBX
In boilers, efficient water injection is a necessity for the proper functioning of this steam generator. The boiler water injector is responsible ...

About us

MBX Indústria e Manutenção de Máquinas is a company specialized in the manufacture of products for boilers. With 100% national manufacturing, MBX brings to the market the creation and supply of efficient and effective solutions for the conduction of fluids and industrial maintenance. MBX focuses on increasing the productivity of its customers through the development of efficient and easy-to-use equipment. Committed to quality in the provision of services, it has a highly qualified team in both the sales and technical assistance areas.

The company is also registered with BNDES, which makes it easier for entrepreneurs to access its solutions. Quality, security and support are characteristics of the company that has invested in creating products for the national industry.