Eficiência energética dentro das indústrias: Saiba como funciona

What is energy efficiency?

In short, adopting energy efficiency means adopting strategies that aim to reduce energy consumption to produce the same amount of products. In another aspect, being energy efficient means reducing financial expenditure on energy.

Therefore, there is a need for the industry to invest in processes and products that are more energy efficient.

Within the industrial sector, there is a great deal of concern about adopting energy efficiency measures in processes and products, particularly from a financial, efficiency, productivity and environmental perspective.

Therefore, every industry, company and organization has the responsibility to take steps to achieve energy efficiency. The good news is that there are many strategies to achieve this.

Benefits of energy efficiency for your industry

Promoting smarter energy consumption is a very intelligent way to properly manage demands and improve productivity in any context, both in the environmental and economic areas.

Therefore, among the many benefits related to energy efficiency within the industry, the following are worth highlighting:

  • Reduction of environmental impacts

The need for generating more energy is reduced. This postpones the need to build new plants. Consequently, it contributes to reducing emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and other pollutants.

Consequently, when we manage to increase efficiency, we are able to reduce costs and generate greater savings.

  • Improves Air Quality

With the reduction in air pollutant emissions, there is also a reduction in respiratory problems and a consequent reduction in health care costs. In other words, in addition to saving on energy costs, greater energy efficiency ensures the health of the entire community.

  • Enhances the business image

By paying attention to issues that are of great concern to today's society, the industry naturally begins to meet market expectations. As a result, the image of the business will be valued and the relationship with suppliers, customers, potential consumers and other negotiators will be strengthened.

It is for all these and many other reasons that energy efficiency needs to be adopted and improved within your industry.

Tips for achieving greater energy efficiency in industries

Thinking about ways to guarantee this in the industry is essential. Check out some tips to improve your company's results in terms of energy.

  1. Perform consumption assessments

Do you know your industry's energy costs? This is the most efficient way to know if the amount spent on energy is actually compatible with the company's needs.

By carrying out analyses, you will know exactly how much is spent by sector and thus implement actions to optimize spending.

Invest in process automation

Automation is a great way to achieve greater energy efficiency. The idea is to make each stage of the production chain happen as efficiently as possible and without wasting energy.

Through automation, it is possible to use technology to boost production and save energy. This also leads to a reduction in waste of raw materials and inputs, as well as helping to control waste emissions, making processes safer.

Save on lighting

In industry, the adoption of LED lighting helps the company to considerably reduce its electricity costs.

Another very effective option is to take advantage of natural light, within a more sustainable architectural design. It is also worth installing motion sensors to avoid wasting lights by leaving them on unnecessarily.

Keep maintenance schedules up to date

Keeping systems up to date with maintenance is one of the best ways to ensure greater energy efficiency within the industry.

Therefore, make sure that all systems, equipment, machinery, boilers and other components are regularly maintained.

Culture change within the industry

Efficient energy management also involves changing the organization's behavior. To achieve this, employees must be familiar with the goals and objectives established in the energy efficiency plan.

Holding periodic meetings to analyze indicators, in addition to internal engagement campaigns, can represent important actions for the industry to reduce its energy consumption.

Adopt these measures and put your industry on the path to energy efficiency and sustainable development.

Keep following theMBX Blog and learn more about topics related to your industry.

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About us

MBX Indústria e Manutenção de Máquinas is a company specialized in the manufacture of products for boilers. With 100% national manufacturing, MBX brings to the market the creation and supply of efficient and effective solutions for the conduction of fluids and industrial maintenance. MBX focuses on increasing the productivity of its customers through the development of efficient and easy-to-use equipment. Committed to quality in the provision of services, it has a highly qualified team in both the sales and technical assistance areas.

The company is also registered with BNDES, which makes it easier for entrepreneurs to access its solutions. Quality, security and support are characteristics of the company that has invested in creating products for the national industry.