Saiba mais sobre as soluções para limpeza de tubos de caldeiras

Learn more about boiler tube cleaning solutions

One of the main concerns for companies that use boilers is the constant search for increased technical efficiency and fuel savings. Therefore, the concern must necessarily include taking care of the cleaning of the boiler tubes.

Cleaning procedures, when not carried out regularly, can have unpleasant consequences for the industry, from drops in boiler performance to serious safety problems, such as corrosive processes and serious accidents.

See the importance of cleaning tubes to keep boilers operating properly and discover one of the main solutions that makes this procedure more effective.

Boiler tube cleaning: Why clean them periodically?

Boilers, specifically fire tube boilers, are heat exchangers that produce steam from burning biomass. This heat exchange naturally generates ash and soot inside the boiler.

What happens, however, is that the gas resulting from the combustion of biomass can carry these impurities which, over time, tend to accumulate in the pipes, forming a type of cumulative film of soot and ash that can cause cases of incrustation on the internal walls of the pipes.

As a result of these incrustations, boilers may present:

  • Reduction in heat exchange efficiency;
  • Obstruction of the pipes, with a consequent increase in energy consumption and greater difficulty for the extractor to maintain negative pressure.

For these reasons, cleaning is a fundamental part of a boiler's operation, as it is responsible for maintaining efficiency, burning quality and operator safety.

By cleaning boilers correctly, excessive deposits of impurities will be removed, such as corrosion products, mineral incrustations or process contaminants, such as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and silica, consequently reducing malfunctions.

But, in addition to minimizing failures, boiler cleaning, when carried out regularly and thoroughly, can reveal the true internal condition of the equipment. It allows the company to anticipate some problems that may arise.

Tips for cleaning boiler tubes

As seen, the excessive presence of solids inside the tubes is largely responsible for damage that impairs the proper functioning of boilers, requiring recurrent cleaning of their tubes. But how should this cleaning be carried out?

The process of cleaning the tubes is relatively simple, just use appropriate steel brushes, responsible for brushing each of the tubes responsible for heat exchange inside the boiler.

However, it is not recommended that the boiler operator himself attempt to clean the tubes unless he has been properly trained in this procedure.

Therefore, it is best to hire the services of companies specialized in boiler cleaning, which guarantee good work, as well as maximum safety.

MBX solution for better boiler cleaning

Considering the need of many companies to clean boiler tubes, MBX offers an excellent piece of equipment: the MBX 2000. This is an excellent solution that promotes boiler cleaning in a very efficient and safe way.

This is a tool that allows for the internal cleaning of steel pipes with great efficiency, mainly because it is compact, lightweight and easy to handle. In addition, it does not require professional qualifications, only basic training for operation.

The MBX 2000 does not damage steel pipes, as it is flexible and agile, and can operate vertically and horizontally, in addition to ensuring greater energy savings.

The equipment also includes pneumatic oil, flexible hose, air valve assembly, PPE and spare accessories, all properly stored in a small, easy-to-transport case.

Want to know more? Then we invite you to discover the features and functionalities of the MBX 2000 SLIM .

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About us

MBX Indústria e Manutenção de Máquinas is a company specialized in the manufacture of products for boilers. With 100% national manufacturing, MBX brings to the market the creation and supply of efficient and effective solutions for the conduction of fluids and industrial maintenance. MBX focuses on increasing the productivity of its customers through the development of efficient and easy-to-use equipment. Committed to quality in the provision of services, it has a highly qualified team in both the sales and technical assistance areas.

The company is also registered with BNDES, which makes it easier for entrepreneurs to access its solutions. Quality, security and support are characteristics of the company that has invested in creating products for the national industry.