Válvula Globo e Válvula Gaveta: Entenda as diferenças

Functions of globe valve and gate valve 

Globe valves are manually operated and are more suitable for controlling fluid pressure through a passage due to the linearity of their shutter, which has the ability to open or close the fluid passage.

The gate valve has a more intensive function. This component is responsible for blocking the passage of fluid. It has the ability to operate fully open or fully closed.

Main differences between the two types of valves

The difference between a globe valve and a gate valve is based on some important points, such as:

  • Area of ​​application;
  • Operating mode;
  • Fluid flow.

Based on these points, we were able to identify the main differences between these two industrial components. Follow along:

Application area

As previously mentioned, globe valves can regulate the flow of fluid within the system. Therefore, they are most commonly used in frequent line opening and closing operations, as is the case in the oil and gas industry.

Thus, globe valves are most commonly used in industrial plant piping. They can be used as a pressure relief valve or a check valve.

Gate valves are most commonly found in distribution systems, as they are capable of cutting off the flow of fluid. This valve is therefore most commonly seen in the chemical, power plant, mining, food and hydraulic sectors.

Gate valves can be used in the following scenarios:

  • When the fluid needs to be turned off;
  • When a small liquid leak is not a problem;
  • Low pressure applications where friction is not significant.

Operating pattern

The globe valve's main feature is linear opening and more effective closing of the shutter, controlling or preventing the flow or fluid pressure.

The operation of the gate valve, in turn, occurs in three modes.

– Clockwise, where the steam and drawer are moved in a downward direction, preventing fluid leakage.

– Counterclockwise, where the valve will be opened and the gate moved in an upward direction through the fluid.

– Semi-open mode. This is an option present in the gate valve, but it is not recommended to open it like this, due to erosion of the gate with the fluid, which will be reached.

Fluid flow

Another difference between the two valve variations relates to the flow of fluid in the pipeline.

In a gate valve, the flow is bidirectional, that is, it operates in two directions. Globe valves only work in one direction, with a greater amount of fluid retained in the line due to the direction of the flow.

In addition, the flow resistance of the globe valve is 3-5 times that of the gate valve, and the sealing can only be achieved by forced closing.

It is important to remember that the globe valve core only comes into contact with the sealing surface when it is completely closed.

Therefore, as both valves are used in structures with the same purpose, it is relatively common to confuse them, but the three points mentioned in this text will help you make the best choice.

We invite you to check out the main advantages of using a globe valve with filter. Click here to find out more.


About us

MBX Indústria e Manutenção de Máquinas is a company specialized in the manufacture of products for boilers. With 100% national manufacturing, MBX brings to the market the creation and supply of efficient and effective solutions for the conduction of fluids and industrial maintenance. MBX focuses on increasing the productivity of its customers through the development of efficient and easy-to-use equipment. Committed to quality in the provision of services, it has a highly qualified team in both the sales and technical assistance areas.

The company is also registered with BNDES, which makes it easier for entrepreneurs to access its solutions. Quality, security and support are characteristics of the company that has invested in creating products for the national industry.