Conheça as vantagens da geração de energia por meio do vapor

Power generation from steam: how does it work?

The use of steam is one of the most common forms of energy generation today, mainly due to its low cost and good energy efficiency. In Brazil, this method is the second most used for energy generation, behind only hydroelectric power.

The operating process is relatively simple. Initially, energy is produced by burning a fuel – such as coal, fuel oil, natural gas or biomass – in a boiler.

Under high pressure conditions, this steam produced turns a turbine which, in turn, drives the electric generator.

From this motor, the energy will be conducted to a transformer, which will distribute it for consumption within the industry, while the water is cooled in a condenser and directed to the boiler tubes to repeat the cycle.

Main advantages of generating energy from steam

When properly managed, power generation using steam has some very significant advantages. In this text, we will analyze three of the most important factors.

Financial savings for energy use

Without a shadow of a doubt, the search for savings is the great desire of 10 out of 10 companies and reducing energy costs is at the top of this desire, whether to acquire greater competitiveness in the market or to demand money for other sectors within the company.

Therefore, to promote energy generation within the industry, it is necessary to have fuel that has a lower commercial value, allowing the energy project to be viable.

Furthermore, steam generation carried out within the industry becomes essential for industrial activities due to the high energy transfer rate and high energy density.

Another important point is the use of water to generate steam. This liquid is the most abundant compound on the planet, and is easy to obtain at a low cost. In the form of steam, water also has a high energy content per unit of volume and mass.

Energy self-sufficiency

The search for self-sufficiency is the greatest desire of practically every type of industry, that is, managers seek to depend only on their strengths to generate their own energy.

With this self-sufficiency, the company no longer depends on the instability in quantity and quality of energy supplied by concessionaires, a process that is quite common in more remote plants or those located at the end of the line.

It is important to emphasize that if the industry seeks to be self-sufficient in electrical energy, it must also plan and be self-sufficient in fuel for generating energy from steam.

Collaborates with the environment

Finally, the environment benefits greatly from the use of steam in power generation. Currently, a significant portion of the fuel burned in boilers comes from renewable sources, such as biomass. This makes power generation much more conscious.

As we have highlighted, biomass is a widely used fuel. It has low greenhouse gas emissions, making energy generation cleaner.

Furthermore, in many regions, biomass is still seen as waste, with no use or commercial value. As a result, the disposal of this waste tends to be incorrect, and this is where energy generation through steam fits in perfectly, using the waste to generate energy, resulting in greater savings.

Today, the pursuit of environmental awareness is a major differentiator, making thermoelectric generation gain traction in the market. In an ideal future, companies could be responsible for their own energy generation.

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About us

MBX Indústria e Manutenção de Máquinas is a company specialized in the manufacture of products for boilers. With 100% national manufacturing, MBX brings to the market the creation and supply of efficient and effective solutions for the conduction of fluids and industrial maintenance. MBX focuses on increasing the productivity of its customers through the development of efficient and easy-to-use equipment. Committed to quality in the provision of services, it has a highly qualified team in both the sales and technical assistance areas.

The company is also registered with BNDES, which makes it easier for entrepreneurs to access its solutions. Quality, security and support are characteristics of the company that has invested in creating products for the national industry.