Peças de reposição: Essenciais para uma eficiente manutenção da caldeira

Checking the need for boiler maintenance

Every industrial boiler, regardless of its capacity or type, involves three elements: fuel combustion, high temperature and high pressure.

These elements, when combined, supply the industry with the necessary energy, but they are also the perfect combination for a catastrophe. And this can be avoided through regular boiler maintenance!

To identify the need for boiler maintenance, it is necessary to monitor the pressure and temperature indicators. If the values ​​are outside the standard, request urgent maintenance.

There is also scheduled maintenance suggested by equipment manufacturers.

During these maintenance operations, all recommendations set out in regulatory standard number 13 (NR-13) are followed. These recommendations include general inspections, electrical and water supply system checks, as well as tests on emergency systems.

Spare Parts: Why Consider These Items in Stock?

In an industry, having spare parts to use during maintenance procedures is essential. They help maintain productivity, achieve targets and ensure the continued operation of equipment.

In the case of the boiler, spare parts are necessary to replace defective items or items that have suffered natural wear and tear caused by time and use.

However, if the company does not have these parts in stock, it will be forced to keep the boiler idle until the purchasing process and the arrival of the requested items take place.

This almost always results in unscheduled downtime or decreased production, resulting in a drop in productivity.

But, before having a lot of spare parts in the company, it is interesting to know which categories of parts are most used:

Consumable parts

These are parts that wear out over time and are replaced after a predetermined period. In general, they are low cost and can be stored without any risk of damage.

Spare parts in maintenance

These include long-lasting items that will be replaced after long periods of use. They are generally repairable and take a long time to be discarded permanently.

Even though they take time to replace/repair, these parts are necessary and should therefore be part of asset management.

Parts for critical needs

Finally, there is the category that requires greater care because it is essential for the functioning of a machine. Without them, the equipment and part of the industry would stop!

Many can be repaired and are usually special purchases that require more time for delivery.

Furthermore, among these spare parts in industrial maintenance, several are more likely to be damaged during transportation. The safety valve used in boilers is a clear example of a critical spare part.

Any delay in replacing it can cause downtime, fluid loss due to leaks, among other problems.

Tips for managing boiler spare parts

Recognizing the category in which each spare part is used by boiler maintenance personnel is an excellent way to organize a reliable and readily available stock.

But, to make it easier to keep spare parts under control within the industry, it is important to evaluate:

  • How likely is the equipment to break down? Is it old and has a history of failures, or is it new and reliable?
  • How would a boiler failure affect production?
  • Which parts are replaced most frequently? This allows you to define the required quantity that must be available in stock;
  • Time needed to obtain a part: each item used in the boiler has a different time frame to arrive in stock. This fact needs to be taken into account to avoid problems.
  • What is the proper operational process: how to identify, repair and replace spare parts for boiler maintenance.

Finally, it is essential to have the best boiler spare parts suppliers at your disposal.

In this case, MBX brings to the market the most efficient solutions in boiler parts, focusing on increasing the productivity of its customers through the development of effective and easy-to-use equipment.

Click here and explore spare parts available on our website.

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About us

MBX Indústria e Manutenção de Máquinas is a company specialized in the manufacture of products for boilers. With 100% national manufacturing, MBX brings to the market the creation and supply of efficient and effective solutions for the conduction of fluids and industrial maintenance. MBX focuses on increasing the productivity of its customers through the development of efficient and easy-to-use equipment. Committed to quality in the provision of services, it has a highly qualified team in both the sales and technical assistance areas.

The company is also registered with BNDES, which makes it easier for entrepreneurs to access its solutions. Quality, security and support are characteristics of the company that has invested in creating products for the national industry.