Válvula globo com filtro: Conheça suas vantagens principais

Globe valve with filter: Discover its main advantages

Globe valve with filter: Discover its main advantages In many processes related to the industrial sector, there is a nee...
Principais diferenciais da válvula globo para vapor de bloqueio de passagem reta com filtro conjugado

Main differences between the straight-through steam shut-off globe valve with combined filter

Main differences between the straight-through steam shut-off globe valve with combined filter In the industrial sector, ...
Fatores que danificam as válvulas de descargas de fundo de caldeiras

Factors that damage boiler bottom discharge valves

Factors that damage boiler bottom discharge valves Why install boiler bottom discharge valves? In bo...
Por que automatizar a descarga de fundo de caldeira?

Why automate boiler bottom discharge?

Why automate boiler bottom discharge? Boiler bottom discharge to remove impurities and sludge is a process of vital import...
O que é e qual a função da válvula de descarga rápida de caldeira?

What is the boiler quick discharge valve and what is its function?

What is the boiler quick discharge valve and what is its function? Do you have a boiler in operation in your business? The...
Veja a importância da limpeza dos tubos das caldeiras

See the importance of cleaning boiler tubes

See the importance of cleaning boiler tubes Do you have a boiler in use in your industry? If your answer is yes, we have a...
Veja como evitar problemas e desgastes em caldeiras

See how to avoid problems and wear in boilers

See how to avoid problems and wear in boilers Boilers are equipment used to generate steam used in various industrial proc...
Manutenção de válvulas de segurança para caldeiras: conheça sua importância

Maintenance of safety valves for boilers: understand their importance

Maintenance of safety valves for boilers: understand their importance Industrial boilers are equipment that always operate...
Automação de caldeira: Veja como fazer a descarga de fundo da caldeira

Boiler Automation: See how to perform boiler bottom flushing

Boiler Automation: See how to perform boiler bottom flushing By automating the boiler, the industry can perform bottom dis...
Incrustações em tubulações de transporte de gases de combustão

Incrustations in flue gas transport pipes

Incrustations in flue gas transport pipes Loss of efficiency and higher fuel costs, culminating in the scrapping of gas tr...
Conheça 7 causas de defeitos em caldeiras industriais

Discover 7 causes of defects in industrial boilers

Discover 7 causes of defects in industrial boilers Industrial boilers are very important equipment in a wide range of indu...
Caldeira: quais os principais combustíveis utilizados?

Boiler: what are the main fuels used?

Boiler: what are the main fuels used? Widely used in various processes, the boiler is a piece of equipment designed to pro...

About us

MBX Indústria e Manutenção de Máquinas is a company specialized in the manufacture of products for boilers. With 100% national manufacturing, MBX brings to the market the creation and supply of efficient and effective solutions for the conduction of fluids and industrial maintenance. MBX focuses on increasing the productivity of its customers through the development of efficient and easy-to-use equipment. Committed to quality in the provision of services, it has a highly qualified team in both the sales and technical assistance areas.

The company is also registered with BNDES, which makes it easier for entrepreneurs to access its solutions. Quality, security and support are characteristics of the company that has invested in creating products for the national industry.