Segurança do trabalho na indústria: conheça algumas dicas de prevenção de acidentes

Occupational safety in industry: learn some tips for preventing accidents

Achieving a safer work environment with a lower risk of accidents is a common need for all types of companies. Therefore, accident prevention is usually the number one priority when we think about workplace safety in the industry.

Regardless of the industrial activity, accident prevention should be a top priority for managers. However, many do not take the necessary precautions, which can lead to an increase in accidents and workers being absent.

With this in mind, here are 5 important tips for every industrial manager to protect themselves and maintain workplace safety in the industry, which must have accident prevention as its central objective.

Provide PPE and EPCs and increase occupational safety in the industry

Virtually all types of industrial activities are associated with specific risks that need to be reduced as much as possible. To this end, the correct adoption of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Collective Protective Equipment (CPE) is an essential and irreplaceable action.

These protective equipment are devices used by the worker (PPE) or by a group (EPC) and aim to protect them from health and safety risks while carrying out their professional activities.

Therefore, in addition to being an obligation provided for in legislation, the use of quality PPE and EPCs, appropriate to the workload of employees and properly used, enables greater accident prevention, in addition to occupational safety in the industry.

Create a CIPA (Internal Accident Prevention Committee)

The Internal Accident Prevention Committee, known as CIPA, is regulated by NR 5, and is represented by a group made up of employees who, in addition to performing the function for which they were hired, ensure occupational health and safety in the industry.

Its main function is to provide safer and healthier working conditions for all direct and indirect employees of the company, ensuring workplace safety in the industry.

Therefore, if your industry does not yet have a CIPA, it is best to consider this measure as soon as possible, after all, it is the prevention of accidents within the company that is at stake.

Invest in periodic training and qualifications

To avoid the various risks associated with the industrial process, every employee needs to know exactly what role they have been assigned to. To achieve this, ongoing training and development are essential.

Through these actions, it is possible to ensure that the employee will be prepared to carry out his/her work, in addition to knowing the risks associated with it, without posing risks or losses to the team and the employer.

It is also important to carry out training with a specific focus on occupational safety in the industry. By doing so, the company will share its knowledge about the procedures adopted to perform a certain function during the day-to-day work, thus enabling greater accident prevention.

The company “teaches” quickly and easily the procedures that must be taken before, during and after carrying out a job, especially in terms of safety and accident prevention.

Prepare a safe working environment

In addition to the measures mentioned above, accident prevention in industries can only be achieved in a work environment that is as safe as possible. Therefore, investing in a safe and clean factory floor is essential to ensure greater workplace safety in the industry. Such measures should include:

Floor always clean;

  • Presence of fire extinguishers and water hoses in the right places and in the right quantities;
  • Emergency exits in easily accessible locations;
  • Absence of damage and structural problems;
  • Adequate ventilation and lighting;
  • Very clear risk and danger signs, such as demarcation lines and warning signs.
  • Machines and equipment must have clear and accessible instructions for use, such as SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) manuals.

In addition to all this, it is essential that there is regular maintenance of all equipment within the industry, including the completion of a checklist, which will cover everything from equipment documentation to safety inspections.

These and other measures must be a priority, in order to guarantee a healthy environment that prioritizes workplace safety in the industry.

Report incidents to avoid bigger problems

Many industries often have several incidents in their daily activities, but many of them are unaware that such incidents occur, as employees ignore these events and do not report them. However, it is important for these employees to know that incidents can easily turn into accidents.

Therefore, anything that “deviates” from normal tasks within the industry must be communicated to superiors immediately. With this action, the industry can better prevent future accidents, immediately correcting the problem at the time of the incident.

To ensure greater workplace safety in the industry, each company normally has its own procedure for recording incidents and corrective actions, but to achieve this, it is important that each employee reports these incidents as soon as they occur.

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MBX Indústria e Manutenção de Máquinas is a company specialized in the manufacture of products for boilers. With 100% national manufacturing, MBX brings to the market the creation and supply of efficient and effective solutions for the conduction of fluids and industrial maintenance. MBX focuses on increasing the productivity of its customers through the development of efficient and easy-to-use equipment. Committed to quality in the provision of services, it has a highly qualified team in both the sales and technical assistance areas.

The company is also registered with BNDES, which makes it easier for entrepreneurs to access its solutions. Quality, security and support are characteristics of the company that has invested in creating products for the national industry.