Conheça quais são os itens obrigatórios de uma caldeira

Find out which items are mandatory for a boiler

Boilers are key components in various processes, such as different types of industries, hospitals and hotels. But did you know that there are mandatory boiler items that need to be considered?

These mandatory items of a boiler are presented in NR-13 and guarantee total operational safety of this equipment that always operate under high pressure and temperature. When such items are properly controlled, both workers and the value invested are better protected.

Based on this, learn about the mandatory items and devices that every boiler must have, the importance of each of these items and find out what they are for.

Main mandatory items of a boiler

Maintaining adequate control and maximum process safety is an extremely important action in various processes. However, when using boilers, the potential for control and safety must be even greater.

Exactly for this reason NR-13 requires that some mandatory items of a boiler are always present. According to NR-13, the lack of any of the following mandatory items of a boiler constitutes a serious and imminent risk:

  1. Safety valve with opening pressure adjusted to a value equal to or lower than PMTA (Maximum Allowable Working Pressure);
  2. Instrument that indicates the pressure of accumulated steam, such as a steam manometer;
  3. Injector or other means of supplying water, independent of the main system. This item is essentially important in solid fuel boilers;
  4. Rapid water drainage system in alkali recovery boilers;
  5. Indication system for controlling the water level or other system that prevents overheating due to insufficient power supply.

What are each of the mandatory items in a boiler and what are they for?

As we have seen, NR-13 indicates that the absence of mandatory items in a boiler represents a serious risk to the proper functioning of this equipment. But do you know what each of these items are and what they are for? Check out the following and find out.

1. Safety valve

Every safety valve is used to prevent excess loads from causing problems and compromising the safety of operators and the environment.

The operation of a boiler safety valve is relatively simple. It acts as a protector that helps prevent the formation of high pressures. Through this valve, the equipment releases the fluid from inside the boiler, reducing excess pressure that can cause great damage.

2. Instrument that indicates the pressure of accumulated steam (Manometer)

Steam boiler pressure gauges are instruments responsible for measuring the pressure inside the boiler.

This item acts as an efficient aid for operational work. Reading it is of fundamental importance for workers who operate boilers, helping them with operational safety of the boilers.

Pressure gauges are requested and used very frequently. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out periodic inspection and calibration, so that all functions are performed quickly and safely, avoiding any failures, damages and losses for the parties involved.

Conheça nossos equipamentos para caldeiras | Solicite orçamento | MBX Máquinas

3. Water feed injector

The water injector is an important part for boilers that burn solid fuel. This is one of the mandatory items of a boiler, and is therefore a requirement of the NR-13 standard. Its function is to supply the water supply in cases where the water pump powered by electricity stops.

This is essential in boilers that use solid fuels. When the power goes out, the fuel inside the furnace continues to burn and produce heat, as if the boiler were in operation.

This residual heat is enough to vaporize the water in the boiler and dry the tubes in the furnace. Without water cooling, this exposure to high temperatures will cause the loss of mechanical strength or even explosion of these tubes.

To prevent this from happening, the injector must be put into operation with the boiler's own steam.

4. Rapid drainage system

As the name suggests, this is one of the mandatory items in a boiler. This system is responsible for quickly draining water from boilers and is applicable to alkali recovery boilers.

This system allows for greater safety when using this type of boiler, allowing for rapid drainage of the water if any additional problem is detected.

5. Indication system for water level control

Boilers are metal containers that are used to produce steam by heating water. Therefore, the water level in the boiler is a fundamental point.

The water level indicator system in the boiler ensures that the water level is never too low or too high. If there is not enough water in the drum (low level), the water pipes can dry out and burn out from the heat of the fire.

On the other hand, if there is too much water in the drum, the liquid water can be carried along with the steam flow, causing problems for the boiler.

Keep following the MBX blog and learn much more about boilers and pressure vessels.

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About us

MBX Indústria e Manutenção de Máquinas is a company specialized in the manufacture of products for boilers. With 100% national manufacturing, MBX brings to the market the creation and supply of efficient and effective solutions for the conduction of fluids and industrial maintenance. MBX focuses on increasing the productivity of its customers through the development of efficient and easy-to-use equipment. Committed to quality in the provision of services, it has a highly qualified team in both the sales and technical assistance areas.

The company is also registered with BNDES, which makes it easier for entrepreneurs to access its solutions. Quality, security and support are characteristics of the company that has invested in creating products for the national industry.